Saturday, 1 May 2010

Wreck this Journal

I've had this book for a few weeks now and after I got over my initial belief that books should be looked after and kept in good condition I am quite enjoying the various tasks. My first thing was to break the spine and bash it about a bit. I sent it unwrapped through the post but it came back in perfect condition! All that my son could bring himself to do was curl up the front corner. I must have brought him up well to respect books.
This is how it looks at the moment, doesn't close properly because of things glued into it but also because it has been wet under the shower and dried out.

These are my 'white' pages, My favourite at the moment I think. I've heat embossed and stuck various things in. I'll probably keep adding onto these as I think of things.

This is the first page I did with ink covered fingers.

I gave Mick a haircut yesterday and saved the hair for this picture. Mine would be too grey to see on the white paper!

Oh I really enjoyed doing this page! Scratching away with my scalpel and pokey tool.

I found this page after Sallie had gone home the other weekend. She wouldnt let me do anything to hers!
My 4 letter word page - all of them clean, I don't go in for swearing especially the 4 letter ones. I'll add to this as the fancy takes me.

Just a few things on this page at the moment. I pricked my thumb with my pricking tool and it bled so I squeezed it to get enough to put on the page.
It's not really wrecked yet judging by some of the things Sallie tells me she has done with hers in the past week, making a lead and taking it for a walk in her lunch break across the road and into the park!!!