I've just printed out a few photos of Faith's baking session back in April to put in her scrapbook of things she does while she is with us.
I don't proclaim to be a 'scrapbooker' as many crafters would see it but it's my way of keeping together a few memories for Faith of when she is staying with us. She loves looking at her 'princess book' as she calls it.
I think these are my favourite pages. Don't you just love the pout on this one though! It had to be saved for her to look back on. She was a devil for finding and using lipstick when she was smaller - even Grandad got covered on one occasion.
What a lovely idea Sue! Faiths pages are lovely and she is growing up fast isn't she?
The last one is a def to show a future boyfriend tho haha X
Great pages Sue. Looks like your a scrapper to me. :-D
You've got all the important bits included. Well Done. Gez.xx
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