The lovely and very caring Gez sent me this award. I hope she won't mind me saying this but she has come along way in her crafting and is a very multi-talented person.
I have to share 5 facts about myself and then pass the award to 7 other deserving people so that we can find out a little about them as well.
1. I love chicken.
2. I'm addicted to facebook.
3. I have a phobia about certain reptiles and can't even bring myself to type the word 's***e' Ughh makes me go cold to think about it!
4. I never drink tea while I am out but rarely drink anything else at home.
5. I'm a very messy crafter!
Well a very random few facts about myself, lets see what my awardees come up with. It's so hard not to take hints from the person who sent it on.
Hazel - My Crafty Outlook
Karen - Karen's Carry Ons
Lynn - Craft and Waffle
Net - Caique Momma
Janice - Serial Crafter
Have fun ladies!
Thanks for the award Sue. Interesting to find out more about you! I'll do this later.
Thanks so much for this, Sue - I'll blog about it. Good to get to know you a bit better x
I've blogged my facts now Sue.
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