They are both for my Mum and made using Kanban toppers and sentiments.
This first one is for her birthday, rather obvious really.
I've used a textured pearlescent backing card with a lovely punched edge and trimmed it with bright pink ribbon salvaged from a tee shirt onto which i've stuck pink gems.
I've got to think of a witty insert as she was diagnosed type 2 diabetic last year and won't be allowed to eat much cake.
This is a cute design which i'm sure she'll love as we had a little Yorkie like this many years ago.

This next one is a 'thinking of you' card. It is her wedding anniversary 2 days after her birthday and this is the 4th without Dad by her side. I've continued to send a card each year just to let her know we still recognise the date and are thinking of her.

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